FCI (North, East Zone) Result 2015

December 31, 2015

FCI Results 2015: Food Corporation of India (North, East Zone) has declared the result for the post of Junior Engineer (JE) (Civil Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Mechanical Engineering), Assistant Grade-II (Hindi), Typist (Hindi), Assistant Grade-III (General / Accounts / Technical).

The Organization conducted the Written Examination held on July 12, 2015. So Eligible candidates can check answer key now available from the official website of FCI or our website at career vendor.com. This article is published by career vendor.com.

People are advised to keep in the touch regularly with the official website of Food Corporation of India to know more information about the upcoming notification. Please download FCI 2015 Results by clicking on the link which is given below.

Download FCI North East Zone Result 2015

About the Author Nitin Baudh

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