UPSC Civil Services Prelims Result

October 15, 2014

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has declared the Civil Service Prelims Result 2014 on 13 Oct, 2014. Candidates who were applied can Download UPSC Civil Services Prelims Result 2014 in the PDF File format through the official website link mention below. Applicants can check their roll number in the Civil Services Preliminary Result 2014 to know their pre-written examination result which has scheduled on 24 Aug, 2014.

Applicants can go through the official website to download UPSC Preliminary Civil Service Result 2014 and also know more information about the latest and upcoming notification like UPSC Civil Service Mains Examination Dates 2014, Civil Services Mains Result 2014 and UPSC Mains Exam Answer Key 2014. Candidates who will be find their roll number in UPSC Civil Service Result 2014 eligible for the UPSC Civil Services Mains Examination. A huge number of candidates were applied for the Pre-Exam and lots of candidates passed in this examination.

The application form was filled in the month of May, 2014 for the UPSC Civil Services Recruitment 2014. Candidates who will be qualified in the Prelims Exam will be eligible for given UPSC Civil Services Mains Exam 2014 conducting on 14 Dec, 2014. Before take participate in the Mains Examination candidates should be fill DAF (CSM) available on the authorized website of UPSC from 28 Oct, 2014 [Tuesday]. So candidates are advised to keep in the touch regularly to fill their UPSC Mains Application Form 2014 whose link is mention below. UPSC Result 2014

Download UPSC Civil Service Prelims Result 2014 in the PDF File format through the official website of UPSC. Aspirants can check their roll number mention in the UPSC Prelims Result 2014. If candidates roll number will be mention in PDF File then he/she will be eligible for UPSC Mains Exam 2014. The nominal roll number candidates are advised to check official website regularly to fill their DAF (CSM) online application form for UPSC Civil Service Mains Examination 2014.

Important Dates: 

  • Date of Prelims Exam: 24 Aug, 2014
  • Declaration of Prelims Result: 13 Oct, 2014
  • Opening Dates of Online Application Form for Mains Exam: 28 Oct, 2014
  • Date of Mains Exam: 14 Dec, 2014

Important Links:

Official Website: Candidates can go through the official website to download UPSC Civil Service Prelims Exam Result 2014 and also know information about the upcoming information like UPSC Mains Exam.

Download Here: UPSC Civil Services Prelims Result 2014

Note: The results of Roll Numbers 407292 , 990000 , 990001 , 990002 , 990003 , 990004 , 990005 , 990006 , 990007 and 990008 have been withheld on the directions of Hon’ble Central Administrative Tribunal Principal Bench at New Delhi . The Commission have also decided to withhold the result of the roll number 051913.



About the Author Pushpendra

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