CBSE Joint Entrance Examination (Main) Exam Admit Card/ Hall Ticket 2015: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has delayed the release of admit cards for Joint Entrance Examination (JEE Main) 2015. The release of JEE Main 2015 Admit Card, which was scheduled for 01 March has been delayed. When Official website release the admit card then applied candidates can download the CBSE JEE Mains Exam Admit Card/ Hall Ticket/ Call Letter 2015 from it’s official website
Central Board of Secondary Education has announced a notification about the CBSE JEE Main 2015 Admit Card would be available to download on 1st March 2015. But CBSE not release the admit card till now. If seems that there is any problem to release the JEE Exam admit card. We hope that CBSE will release JEE Examination admit card as soon as possible. According to the latest news by Central Board of Secondary Education, the release of JEE Main Admit Card 2015 has been delayed from 1st March.
JEE Main 2015 Exam is scheduled to be conducted in the month of April. Joint Entrance Exam Main 2015 will be held on 4 April 2015, in offline mode, and on 10 and 11 April 2015 in online mode. The website of JEE Main 2015 mentions that downloading of admit cards will be available only in the next few days. Now, JEE Main 2015 admit card will be issued, only for those candidates who would have submitted application form in due time and in prescribed format. Admit cards are obtainable from the website only. The candidates would not be allowed to appear for the examination without the admit card.
CBSE JEE Mains Exam Admit Card 2015 is so important to enter the examination hall. The website of JEE (Main) 2015 notifies that downloading of admit cards will be available only after few days. The admit cards were scheduled to be released on March 1 but are delayed. CBSE every year conducts the JEE examination in two sessions i.e. JEE (main) and JEE (advanced). We are requested to all candidates who are participated in this examination to carry their exam admit card along with documents such as final marks sheet on their exam day.
Only those candidates will be able to download JEE Main 2015 Admit Cardf those candidates who will submit application form successfully and in due time, which also includes paying fee before last date. If any error is found, candidates should inform the authorities immediately.
Download CBSE JEE (Main) Exam Admit Card/ Hall Ticket 2015
JEE (Main) 2015 Exam Dates are listed below:
- JEE (Main) 2015 Paper 1 (BE/B.Tech) Exam Date (Offline): 04th April, 2015
- JEE (Main) 2015 Paper 2 (B.Arch/B.Planning) Exam Date (Offline): 04th April, 2015
- JEE (Main) 2015 Paper 1 (BE/B.Tech) Exam Date (Online)- 10th April 2015 & 11th April 2015
Official Website:
JEE main is an entrance exam for JEE advanced. Candidates who got cut off marks in main examination only allowed to advanced examination. After the JEE Mains/ Advanced 2015 Exams, We’ll release JEE Mains/Advance Exam Answer Key 2015 for the candidates those who have appeared for the JEE 2015 Entrance Exam. will provide the fastest JEE Advanced 2015 Answer Keys and Solutions for Paper 1 & Paper 2 which is prepared by our experts.