UPTET 2017 – Primary Answer Key Child Development & Teaching Method Solved Paper

October 15, 2017

UP TET 2017 answer key for Primary section has been published on career Vendor website for BTC, D. El. Ed. students reference. UPTET Primary exam was held on 15 October 2017 in first meeting from 10 am to 12:30pm. All the BTC, D. El. Ed. and D. Ed. trained candidates are required to qualify this Uttar Pradesh state TET exam to become primary teacher in government schools.

—>> Download Official TET Answer Key – Primary <<— 

Career Vendor solved the full exam paper and happy to announce full UPTET solved paper along with answer key before any other website. Here we are sharing question and their answers according to question SET-B.

UP TET 2017 Answer Key – All Subjects:
Primary Level TET exam Junior Level TET exam

UPTET 2017 Primary Answer Key: Child Development & Teaching Method:

  1. Which of the following pairs is not true?
    1. Stimulus-response theory of learning – Thorndike
    2. Operant conditioning theory of learning – B. F. Skinner
    3. Classical theory of learning – Pavlov
    4. Holistic theory of learning – Hull
  2. Whose name is associated with ‘Father of the Eugenics’?
    1. Crow and Crow
    2. Galton
    3. Rose
    4. Woodworth
  3. Who describes different types of personality based on glands?
    1. Kretschmer
    2. Jung
    3. Cannon
    4. Spranger
  4. “Creativity is a mental process to express the original outcomes.” This statement is given by
    1. Cole and Bruce
    2. Drevahal
    3. Dehan
    4. Crow and Crow
  5. The tendency of ‘Feeling of Revolt’ is concerned with which of the following ages?
    1. Childhood
    2. Infancy
    3. Early adolescence
    4. Middle adolescence
  6. The period of learning, where no improvement in performance is made, is called
    1. Learning curve
    2. Plateau of learning
    3. Memory
    4. Attention
  7. The formula for calculating IQ is
    1. Mental age x Chronological age
    2. Chronological age / Mental age
    3. (Mental age / Chronological age) x 100
    4. Chronological age + Mental age
  8. Who has propounded the law of trials and error of learning?
    1. Kohlar
    2. Pavlov
    3. Thorndike
    4. Gestalt
  9. In a normal zygote, the number of chromosomes in pair is
    1. 22
    2. 23
    3. 24
    4. None of the above
  10. Operant conditioning theory is propounded by
    1. Hull
    2. Thorndike
    3. Hegarty
    4. Skinner
  11. Kohler is associated with which of the following?
    1. Theory of motivation
    2. Theory of development
    3. Theory of personality
    4. Theory of learning
  12. Fluid mosaic model of intelligence was proposed by
    1. Cattell
    2. Thorndike
    3. Vernon
    4. Skinner
  13. Brainstorming model of teaching is used to improve which of the following?
    1. Understanding
    2. Application
    3. Creativity
    4. Problem solving
  14. Goleman is associated with which of the following?
    1. Social intelligence
    2. Emotional intelligence
    3. Spiritual intelligence
    4. General intelligence
  15. Find the odd one out
    1. Theory of leaning to learn
    2. Theory of identical elements
    3. Drive reduction theory
    4. Theory of generalization
  16. The lowest level of cognitive achievement is
    1. Knowledge
    2. Understanding
    3. Application
    4. Analysis
  17. A boy who can ride a cycle is going to drive a motorbike. This is an example of
    1. Horizontal transfer of learning
    2. Vertical transfer of learning
    3. Bilateral transfer of learning
    4. No transfer of learning
  18. Which of the following is not the cause of plateau of learning?
    1. Limit of motivation
    2. Non-cooperation of school
    3. Physiological limit
    4. Limit of knowledge
  19. “Learning is the modification of behaviour thorough experience and training.” This statement was given by
    1. Gates and others
    2. Morgan and Gilliland
    3. Skinner
    4. Cronbach
  20. ‘Stanford-Binet Test’ measures
    1. Personality
    2. Reading efficiency
    3. Intelligence
    4. None of the above
  21. Who has classified introvert personality and extrovert personality?
    1. Freud
    2. Jung
    3. Munn
    4. Allport
  22. The factors affecting social development of children are
    1. Economic elements
    2. Social-environmental elements
    3. Physical elements
    4. Hereditary elements
  23. Which of the following is a primary law of physical development?
    1. Law of difference from mental development
    2. Law of irregular development
    3. Law of rapid growth
    4. Law of relation from imagination and emotional development
  24. Which of the following is not the theory of development?
    1. Theory of conditioned reflex
    2. Theory of continuous growth
    3. Theory of interrelation
    4. Theory of uniform pattern
  25. “Development results in new characteristics and new abilities.” This statement is given by
    1. Gesell
    2. Hurlock
    3. Meredith
    4. Douglas and Holland
  26. Instincts are classified in fourteen types by
    1. Drever
    2. McDougall
    3. Thorndike
    4. Woodworth
  27. “Attention is the concentration of consciousness upon on object rather than upon another.” This statement is given by
    1. Dumville
    2. Ross
    3. Munn
    4. McDougall
  28. Which is not included in primary law of learning?
    1. Law of readiness
    2. Law of exercise
    3. Law of multiple response
    4. Law of effect
  29. Which test is propounded by Dr. S Jalota in Hindi for children of 12 to 16 years?
    1. Non-verbal intelligence test
    2. General Mental ability test
    3. Army alpha test
    4. Picture drawing test
  30. Who propounded the two-factor theory of intelligence?
    1. Thorndike
    2. Spearman
    3. Vernon
    4. Stern

There are 5 section of 15 October 2017 exam paper including 1. Child Development & Cognition, 2. Hindi, 3. English or Sanskrit or Urdu, 4. Mathematics and 5. Environmental Education. Above you can see all the questions that are asked in Part-I Child Development and Teaching method.

Uttar Pradesh basic education board will announce the Official Answer Key of UPTET 2017 question paper within few weeks.

About the Author Pushpendra

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